yeah please let me stay happily forever like now thank you!
like there was finally a FINALLY to say that we'd done our projects for semester one
normally when we done one project then immediately the second project is coming.
although the final critics was like, opps, thank god we'd successfully survived for the whole semester one!
perhaps life gets better in the following semesters please..
drawings submission day.

my board and model for final presentation :)

im news reporter! HAHA
mi3 front camera gt automatic blurring function lol
wanyi :D
jieshuang yoongle peiting and i :D
peiting's eye and ahboi
simin me jieshuang and peiting :D
big head photo after two years .
we accidentally pose so nice then someone immediately took this photo. aha!
after that become pattern liaoliao XD
with the lovely buddy jieshuang :D
the archinee, left out another two. opps.

spot brownie's face!XD
me moon simin wanyi and brownie :D
bigbig buddy big buddy with small buddies :D

chunhui's face so cute lol.
camwhore like crazy after we'd done our presentation.
yiyao and brownie so pity cuz their phone kena raped by us haha
gt over hundred photos there and their face was like: why u guys love taking photo so much har?
over hundred small case only leh lol.
I'm more than happy to say that we again explored new place which is The Curve by driving from UM.
it was actually quite nearby which it took around 20 mins journey but too bad we get lost for too many times even we do refer to Waze
so we only managed to reach there after around one hour i thk?
was planning to have an Ice-Skating session but too bad we have too little time
so we decided to choose a proper restaurant to have a please dinner as a reward for ourselves after fighting for finals :D
so here we go T.G.I.Fridays !
photo quality dropped since little5 was not around :X
too happy and excited :D
The Curve really has a quality classy environment and it's even nicer cuz there are Christmas decorations!
ended up our day with Starbucks buy one free one :D