finally it was my first semester break and its going to end
how sad to mention this early in this post, i dunwan to get back to the jail :(
ermmm just wanted to record my sem-break-life here
so,the first week i was actually following my mum's footstep as she wants to go my grandmother's house and johor(my father's currently work place) instead of cuming back to ipoh
i was really unwilling to do so because bf is at ipoh mah,lol. and of course i miss my home
but since my mum was going, my mind keep telling me that im going to eat maggie if i cum back home without my mum
so i was forced to follow haha
photos are from my mum's fb, she addicted to her new phone, keep taking photos and post /.\

we doing normal daily activities at grandmother's house on the
first few days, we actually went there with a purpose of visiting my grandma
since she was suffering from little illness
after that we went to johor, sister was driving from kl to johor
of course im sleeping in the car hahaha
despite the boredom when staying father's hostel, it was actually
a well-spent trip
father did his best to come out from work place to have a lunch
with us
most of the meals we had are SEAFOOD, because father's hostel was
located nearby Desaru beach and there have a lot of restaurants famous for all
kind of seafood
the fresh-huge-jumping prawns and crabs, lobsters, sotong,
freshly-caught fishes *super delicious
im a prawn allergic-er but i did try the fresh prawns but
nothing happen on me
my mum's fren told me after that: maybe i only allergic to the
manufactured prawn(with those chemicals for preservative)

we stayed there for 4 days and had visited to some places which i
suggested( i was too bored in hostel so i searched and asked mum to bring me go
and i also took enough rest at thr since i can sleep until wake up naturally haha
i went to xue er's hostel after came back from johor since she
miss me so much
she left me at her hostel the first day cuz she gt lots of
assignment to settle
so i doing nothing on the first day, except the swimming time in
the evening, we chatted a lot ;)
we went for shopping the other day, took public transports to
timesquare for the first time
we are both shopaholics but i was quite sien because my speed of
scanning wanted items is too fast lol
i stayed thr for only 2 days and then i was heading home happily, finally
when im going back home only i realized that i spent 10 days in johor and kl, and my holiday was half gone :(
i missed the golden opportunity to go 'superrr outing' with my college frens, very sad
thats why i said i always did nonsense thing, my decision always wrong, haih
but then stay at home also not bad larh, at least i can always spend time with my mum, chatting and playing candy crush with her, went shopping tgt singk tgt, and im gonna miss her sooo much
why time flies so fast, its just like i just started to enjoy my holiday and its going to end
i dunwan to go back to the jail :(
some more need to sit for muet on the cuming saturday!!
天下無不散之宴席 天下無放不完的假
some phrases to encourage myself, sem 2 will be awesome and enjoyable :))))