Day 8 ,9 & 10

Day 08 - A picture of your most treasured item

但唯一自我出生至现在一直陪伴着我的东西、就是我的小枕头和抱枕 :) 

我和哥哥都有一样的抱枕、我们都称它 ‘宝贝’ xD

Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most &
Day 10 - A picture of someone you do the craziest things with

ermmm. not truely understood the topic of day 9
but if is the person who know me thouroughly ,that will be her XD
and the one i did the craziest thing with , also her XD
the most recently captured :)

*we always hangout together and love 'longgai' with the 'who' til times late :D
*we are both 'neighbour' at school and always laugh out loud suddenly ,teacher and the whole class will look at us XDD
*the one who skype with me and them until midnight
*she always shout out loud with high-decibel and i will try to slap her say her 3fanxu XD
*we always say the same word at the same time and we will laugh at the moment XD
*the one who know me and always show a happy dude face to everyone
*she is clever even though she ply crazily all the time and i always ask her for MT solution XD
*she have pair of pretty big eyes and always say herself pretty -.-
*last , loupo frenship forever :DD