突然很感恩 感恩身旁總有個人陪著 溫暖著我 在見不到面的時候 總是會覺得為什麼他都沒有在想我 沒有對我好 看著別的情侶秀恩愛照 他的instagram卻從不為我更新 但其實愛不能做比較 也許他不是最好 但他把他能給的都給我了 謝謝你告訴我你的生活離不開我的影子 我真的有感動到 :) 雖然你還不會珍惜我的笑容 但我很感激當我流淚的時候有你把我抱進懷裡 真心希望我們能一直走下去 不畏懼 不妥協 不放棄 。 ♥ ...
hello! was wondering am i now already started my semester break. lol actually now is my study week la. as what i'd told my friends, architecture timetable is like this, totally terbalik with other courses wan when people are enjoying their unilife, we...
woohoooooooooooooo! yeah please let me stay happily forever like now thank you! like there was finally a FINALLY to say that we'd done our projects for semester one normally when we done one project then immediately the second project is coming. although the...
hello last month of 2014, the most beautiful month of the year. back to here finally, even just a lil while. i need to escape for awhile. how do i do recently? quite fine.. not fine actually. am rushing for final(S) and also...