yeah finally have a chance to go back to my secondary school
and it was a sports day, which is a special day for me lol haha.
i actually dated him and three of the babes but lastly only me and kenichi appeared.
but it's fine, we still enjoyed :)
the week before sports day they were busy preparing for Rumah Hiasan.
again, rumah hiasan.
memories keep on flashing on my mind, we had a lot of fun times while doing this last time.
we planned, discussed, argued, stay overnight at Arica's house, rushed for everything.
it's hard to believe that i already graduated for two years T^T
oh yea back to the topic.
so i went school early in the morning even earlier than i work. lol
Arica and Alien came to cover me because i was wearing shorts, but shorts are allowed larh i dunno what am i scared for.
Alien even wore slippers.

so here is the team- PUMA.
was my team last time :P
opps someone took photo of my bad behavior hahaha.
the mascot : puma in cute version.
cheerleader. the tallest is the youngest !
other teams. ready for marching.
spot the sign! and you will know wat's that for later.
St.John ambulance.
which i participated last time, for marching only.
i'm not a member of St.John but i never regret of joining the marching competition.
though it was really a tough task, tiring and it makes my skin darker.
yet it was a great memory for me and it get US together :)
most importantly, we won ! haha.
the librarians.
CHEETAH. so wild haha.
PUMA yeahh.
the sexy legs for backup 美腿坐鎮. hahaha
angel and devil for backup.
* left out JAGUAR ady.
got nowhere to go and nothing to do when all the students and teachers were gathered at the field.
so we went to the 'rumah'.
the theme was SUKAN TANPA DADAH.
and now you know what's the sign on the face for.
Arica & Kenichi.
with the wolf haha.
plus Kelvin and Johnz.
this is done by me ! mini golf yeah haha.
be the 1st ?
or rather be the second as long as we are all together?
welcoming the judges.


messing up there, lol.
with Cherry and Kenichi.
was taken by the freaking casio ZR
so fake lo hahahahahah.
with Henry.
the last photo before i left. with Angie.
glad to know that PUMA had won the champion of RumahHiasan :)
hard work paid off ! you guys deserved the honour and happiness :D