i had changed everything of my blog included the name.
no reasons but just feel like changing lol.
i have to say that the decision of having tea at PlanB was totally wrong
we ordered two pieces of cakes and six drinks, the cakes can be considered nice but drinks no.
a cosy place and yet not worthy. my opinion la. because good drinks are important for every restaurant
but is a very comfortable place.
red velvet
moist chocolate
don't please don't ever order this little cup of Macchiato.
don't ask me why just read from my want-to-kena-slap face.
this is the mostttt bitter drink that i ever had.
but the cup very cute larh ~~
and i wonder why every photo blur out ah?
five of us :)
mummy and I didn't join because we already went there before.
after everyone came back then we move to the next destination.
mural too.

jump high !
pattern kia

wild arh? haha
again the car. ish
this rainbow building was the last point we went before dinner.
what for dinner?
sister suggested EuroHouse. sounds good! coz i never go before haha.kampong ahmoi
mummy with the tower. haha
sis and her bf ordered this - Carborana.
bro said Moonlight spagetti.
i didn't try but are all good comments from them.
bro's fish and chips.
so nice because i like fish. err the buns are free for customer.
this pizza was soooo delicious. highly recommended ! so bad i don't know what's the name.
mummy with her peppermint chicken chop.
she likes it and keep on asking me to try. the sauce was tasty but it's chicken breast, i don't like chicken breast lol. btw the mashed potato was so delicious.

mummy seemed like enjoy larh. :)
had been a long time we never go out to eat a proper meal together. i mean other than 大排檔 or 茶餐廳.
things changed when time flies. parents getting older when we growth.spend more time with your loved one, you will never regret to do so.
life is just so short and no one can predict what's gonna happen next.