i had changed everything of my blog included the name. no reasons but just feel like changing lol. i have to say that the decision of having tea at PlanB was totally wrong we ordered two pieces of cakes and six drinks, the...
we didn't purposely plan for mummy's lunar birthday cuz for me,it's weird to celebrate lunar birthday instead of celebrating the normal one.  i don't even remember when is my lunar birthday haha. actually mummy decided to celebrate her lunar birthday is because of...


當事情在毫無預警下發生 只能留下人們的不知所措 人生真是無常啊 能健健康康的活著 我們還要奢求什麼? 珍惜眼前人 別會說不會做 實現夢想要努力 別顧著發夢 真遺憾我們連一張合照也沒有 謝謝您的教導 您給我的機會和這些年來的關心 老師一路走好。 ...